This is part i of a fourpart series discussing the new aia 2017 forms. Ownercontractor compare to the aia form a101, begin win download, na. Aia document a107 pdf fill aia a form aia instantly, download blank or editable online. For both new customers and longtime aia contract documents users, aia. A1042017 replaces aia document a1072007, standard form of agreement between owner and contractor for a project of limited scope. Aia sample documents national systems contractors association.
A1072007, standard abbreviated form of agreement between owner. Ts 107, agreement ownercontractor compare to the aia form a107. Aia document a107 2007 standard form of agreement between owner and. Product data, samples and similar submittals are not contract documents.
Contract documents printed copy only to be shipped, not a pdf by the american institute of architectsaia. Part ii will discuss the general conditions to the construction contract a2012017. Sign, fax and printable from pc, ipad, tablet or mobile. Forms and documents, free downloads, g 702 g 703, g 701, g. Aia contract documents are divided into six alphanumeric series by document.
Copyright 1936, 1951, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1966, 1970, 1974, 1978, 1987, 1997 and 2007 by the american institute. Aia document a101 2017 standard form agreement between owner and. Aia document a521, which is available to download free of charge, is not published. Aia forms a107 abbreviated ownercontractor agreement form. For smaller projects, the aia a1072007 standard form of agreement between owner and contractor for a project of limited scope should be. A104 2017 formerly a1072007 ownercontractor agreement. The american institute of architects releases the 2017 aia contract. For projects of a more limited scope, use of aia document a1072007. Need an aia form a107 abbreviated ownercontractor agreement form.
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